Sunday, May 30, 2010

How to Lead a Stress-free Life

Stress in day to day life is mounting everyday and a lot of young brains, and in the worst circumstances small kids, are falling pray to it.

Why the scenario has changed? Why children and young minds are no more spared of this havoc? Is it the kind of life we are destined to lead? What is so embarrassing and scaring that is clutching our young generation and forcing them to take the extreme step of loosing the grip over their own lives?

The first thing that comes to mind is the prevailing stress in the young and tender minds of our youth. What this stress is all about? Why small kids have that heave of stress on their tiny shoulders!

Let’s have a look what actually bothers them! Actually it is the peer pressure, parents’ expectations and the fierce competition in all spheres of life and career.

Peer Pressure

Why peer pressure is so vital? You need to realize how it is going to effect your own performance and from which family and background you belong to. Don’t think your better or aristocrat background will win you the entire world. It is entirely your own perseverance and demeanor that will lead you to success or distress! Believe me, family background has very little to play any role in your future. It’s altogether your own will power and determination that will drive you to any pinnacle. So why bother about peer pressure? If someone has a specific background, especially better than you, there is no guarantee he/she will maintain the same esteem in future also. So just wash off this notion from your mind, peer pressure is really worth considering!

Parent’s Expectation

Your parents are your best friends and mentors also! But often, keeping in view the existing ferocious competitive market, they may get more possessive and articulate about your future. It is quite natural! Respecting their expectations is your duty but don’t ignore your mental and conventional edification. You are aware of your intellectual level more than anyone else. Don’t overdo your mental abilities! You cannot edify your traits after a certain level. You must make it clear to your parents what you are good at and what is your area of interest! I am sure they will understand you and respect your illustrations. Don’t simply trace their dreams but think prudently keeping your feet firmly on the ground of reality. There is no parent who would choose to lose their children on the altar of their own dreams.

Fierce Competition

I agree the competition is fierce but there are still lots of avenues for everyone to explore! It’s not only a few selected field of education and career that can give you satisfaction, money and bright career. There are myriad of career opportunities opening every year, you can select from them suiting your interest and capabilities. No matter if you cannot secure expected grade in a particular exam there is lot more to do in life! The history is replete of successful stories of such people who could not even earn their basic education but earned a name in the world. Take example of Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Atlantic Airways and Virgin Mobile, who suffered mild dyslexia and had poor performance in studies but his ability to connect with others made him think of his career and life differently and he managed to appear in the list of "100 Greatest Britons" in the year 2002. The theme is that it is not great grads in exams that will catapult your career to new heights. But it is entirely your interest; intellect level and determination that will enable you taste success in life. Pay attention on your traits not the enticing career! You can make career, career cannot make you!

A few All Time Stress Busters

There are certain practices that have been proved to be the all time stress busters.


You simply cannot avoid the power of meditation. It is entirely a spiritual state of mind that calms your soared muscles and strengthens your inner power to face the life with better zest and vigor. Meditating at least 10 minutes every day which you can stretch further in order to get better results, will give full control of your body and mind in your hands. In this process you need to sit erect and concentrate on your breath so long you can. Initially it may be difficult for you to concentrate but it is quite pleasant and yield surprising results once you know its technique.

Don’t Sweat Small Stuff

Let the life come its own way! Don’t stretch out things out of proportions. Take the life as it comes. Learn to digest the small stuff. Don’t make an issue out of it. Take things easily rather than making it big. Big troubles bring big resentment. Try to wind it up. Howsoever big the adversity may be your envision to deal with it will decide its impact on you. If you can deal with it lightly it will walk past smoothly. But if you will make an issue out of it you will be the ultimate sufferer!

Take Frequent Breaks

Don’t overdo your work. Allow your mind and body to relax. From the busiest schedule you can manage to steal few moments to make merry and enjoy. It is one of the biggest stress busters. There are many laughter clubs which are out to make our lives easier by applying laughter therapy. This therapy will provide you with desired results. It will teach you find time and place for every thing necessary in your life. A cheerful and happy mind is the best place of great ideas.

Regular Exercise

It is said a healthy mind resides in a healthy body! How true it is in today’s prospect! The thought process is affected by your state of mind and your state of mind is the result of your physical condition. If you are physically strong and healthy there is no reason of getting your thoughts spoiled. Practice regular exercise and sweat all your worries out of your body. Let the fresh and innovative ideas breeze through your mind. Exercise will keep your vision and body synchronized leading to wonderful results.


There are many more ways which can add to this glossary of stress buster but these four are the major factors that will enable you to keep the stress at bay and lead you a happy and fruitful life.